Prayer that breaks every chain – Ranjani Karthik

Prayer that breaks every chain – Ranjani Karthik

Life in the current age has become more entangling and chaotic in every aspect. And all of us have learnt a great deal to live with the chains we are bound with. Initially, we tend to be in denial of the fact that our chains do exist. However, the more challenging the...
Three C’s of Prayer – Ranjani Karthik

Three C’s of Prayer – Ranjani Karthik

Prayer opens the channel for communication with God, and it is one of the most effective mediums to connect with Him. Prayer has the power to change who we are and what we become in Christ. When the power of prayer and the virtue of faith join forces through the move...
The warmth of Mother’s Love – Ranjani Karthik

The warmth of Mother’s Love – Ranjani Karthik

Mother – the word is synonymous with love and care. Oftentimes, God’s love is compared to a mother’s love for her child. We can experience God’s love in our mother’s love. Mother is an image of God, an icon of God’s presence and a tangible embrace of...
Why intercede? – Ranjani Karthik

Why intercede? – Ranjani Karthik

Prayer is the medium that bridges the gap in communication between God and His people. When His people don’t pray, it brings serious repercussions upon the cities, states and the nations and affects all the people who live in them. As a result, the gap between...
History & formation of Israel – Caleb Karthik

History & formation of Israel – Caleb Karthik

According to the Bible, the nation of Israel was founded when Moses led the Jewish people out of Egypt to Canaan. The Israelites led by Joshua then conquered Canaanite nations and divided the land, for each tribe descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the three...
Holy Communion – Abel Karthik

Holy Communion – Abel Karthik

Hello everyone! I thank the Lord for this opportunity to share mv thoughts about ‘Holy Communion’ with you all. Communion simply refers to an act of sharing or exchanging. The term Communion is derived from the Latin word ‘Communio’ which means...